Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Time Has Come

The other day I literally yelled out to my computer, "Do I really have to read a book about a darn VAMPIRE!!"  

Except, I didn't say darn.




Octavia Butler has me hooked.  For 20 years I avoided her books despite knowing/hearing regularly how important her work is in the sci-fi genre.  The importance and relevance are factors I never denied.  It was the sci-fi part.

While I've enjoyed a few movies that fall into that category (The Book of Eli, I am Legend, Avatar, Children of Men (wrote about it in 2012), etc.), I've always told myself that I don't read science fiction.  In a film, if the actors/animation are A-range and the storyline is good, I can get into what I'm seeing before me on the screen.  With books, I just never saw myself being able to delve into scenarios that I perhaps subconsciously considered...ridiculous.  Ok, I said it.  I couldn't see myself formulating the imagery for myself.  

But at some point in January 2025, Butler's book Kindred started whispering to me from my bookshelf (even more ridiculous, right?).

Kindred is a book I own.  I purchased it from a library book sale years ago--maybe 10.  As mentioned before, I knew her work was important, and at just a few dollars--maybe even just 1 dollar-- it made no sense for me to leave it sitting there at the sale.  Also, something about the book's cover intrigued me.

Well, it sat on my bookshelf for years on end until I was forced to read it.  It forced itself into my hands from the shelf, and I was hooked from the beginning.  I couldn't believe it had taken me so long to crack the book open!  And now I have so many questions/remarks.  That book had me on edge and engaged the whole time. 

Shortly afterward, I got an email from co-workers about joining a book club for the reading of Parable of the Sower. It was an invite.  My mouth fell open as I read that one-line message.  Still resisting sci-fi, I was taken aback that these people thought I'd want to read Parable of the Sower of all books! Did they not know that that's the one Octavia Butler book I'd really been avoiding? For years?  Did they not understand that I was already in the throes of fighting for my life with Dana in Kindred? Well, of course they didn't. 

But I had read the storyline of Parable of the Sower and knew it wasn't for me!  


Well, anyway.  After accepting the invite, I got hold of the book and read it cover to cover. 

Parable of the Sower had me stressed, anxious, on the verge of depression, but I






Up till 12 am.  Up till 1 am, and looking for any spare moment in my busy life to get back to that book.

One Sunday I pretty much read it all day.  I found myself a tad bit irritated when the children needed me. Imagine them expecting a cooked meal while I was in that book trying to escape one disastrous reality after another. Ha!  

I was in deep. 

So that was two down: Kindred and Parable of the Sower.

With the determination of an addict, I asked the search engine on my laptop to show me all books written by Octavia Butler.  After looking over the results, I decided Parable of the Talents and Fledgling would be up next for me.

Fledgling.  I liked the title but didn't know what it was about. Then I found out.  Then the yelling at the screen commenced.

A book about a vampire.  Really? Is this what it's come to for me??

Yes. Yes it has. 

I consulted with the public library app on my phone for both books and had them both in my possession less than an hour later.  

My little collection of books by Octavia Butler, although only one belongs to me. 

I think I'm on course to read every book Octavia Butler left us, and I just might get it done within the first quarter or half of 2025.  Unbelievable.  

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

I think that quote applies here. 

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